Build a bomb shelter for special needs center

Ohel Sarah is a non-profit organization dedicated to the care and advancement of children and adults with special needs.

Since the War of Iron Swords started, our full-day Immunit program for male adults with special needs has halted completely since we do not have a bomb shelter in the building.

Help 40 adults with severe special needs resume their daily therapies and activities at our center, even amid the craziness of this war.

When a child is born with special needs, there are many questions but very few answers.

Will the child ever be independent?

Will they ever walk, talk, eat, and play like other children?

Will they ever integrate into society and contribute to the world in a meaningful way?

As the child grows, the parents face new challenges every day. Therapies. Medical appointments. Assessments. Entertaining a difficult child. Practicing therapies at home. All this while taking care of their families, working, doing things that ordinary people do. The burden- both physical and emotional- is too vast for the parents to shoulder alone.

Ohel Sarah is here for parents raising a special needs child from the age of 6 throughout their entire lives.

We operate:

  • 5 schools
  • 5 employment and day centers
  • 40 group homes for children, teens, adults, and married couples

Altogether, our talented and dedicated staff care for close to 800 individuals every day.

The upheaval that was wrought upon Israel since the barbaric attack on October 7th has affected every person differently.

But for the special needs population, the lack of structure, the unpredictability, and the change of environment and schedule is devastating.

Since we do not have an adequate bomb shelter in the Immunit Day Center, some men stay home with their elderly parents, and others are shuffled around the country to our group homes that have availability.

We need urgent funds for a bomb shelter so we can reopen our center for these special adults, allowing them to resume their regular lives once again, continue to receive the therapies they so badly need, and be engaged in productive activities with their caring, devoted, loving carers.

Donate now to help the special needs adults and their families who are overwhelmed by the terrible effects of this war. Let’s build the bomb shelter!


donated by 26 people

Goal: $65,000

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Created By:

American Friends Of Ohel Sarah Inc

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Campaign ID: 40941

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