2015 – The housing division opens its first group home in Elad – “Neveh Eyal”
The couples’ division opens with its first married couple with special needs
The new “Beit Batsheva” employment center for women is opened on Tzefat street in Bnei Brak
Ohel Sarah receives ISO recognition for excellent standards for the first time.
2016 – The inauguration of the new building for the “Gesharim” school is celebrated
The housing division opens another group home for women, “Beit Hodaya”.
2017 – The housing division opens two new group homes for women, “Shirat Hillel” and “Shirat Hadar”
The residents of Ohel Sarah’s housing division enjoy a vacation in Austria.
2018 – “Kedem” – an employment center for men, is opened
The couples and the men of the housing division enjoy a vacation in France
The “Beit Chanoch” and “Beit Shai” schools are transferred to a new building
The housing division opens three new group homes: “Beit Lior” for young girls, “Beit Dror” for women and “Neveh Tzion” for men.
2019 – The residents of the housing division enjoy a vacation in Georgia
“Gesharim” is the proud winner of the Education Award
The residents of the “Shirat Hadar” group home receive the Magen Prize of the Welfare Ministry for their volunteer work in road safety
Ohel Sarah holds a unique Safeguarding conference for the religious public.
2020 – “Kmo Kulam” – a Purim singing event for the public, led by Ohel Sarah’s students, staff and volunteers, in cooperation with the local Welfare Department, is held
The inauguration of the “Tiferet Shmuel” Yeshiva synagogue, and a Hachnasat Sefer Torah, are celebrated