Donating is So Easy ♥
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Donate to Ohel Sarah and forever change the lives of people with disabilities for the better. We very much anticipate you being our partners in this amazing journey.
You can choose to support us through a one-time donation, or in a monthly manner.
If you have chosen to support us, that’s wonderful!
We would love to get to know you. Please fill in some personal information in the form below:
We would love to get to know you. Please fill in some personal information in the form below:
1My support package
2Some info we need
3Almost done!
Donation by direct debit months
Protected Donation – we use only the safest technology to ensure your donation is secure
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in another way?
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It’s important for us that you provide your donation in a way that feels the most comfortable for you. That’sshowing why we provide you with various ways of your support – you only have to choose.