Believing in people, believing in employment
קהל היעד: גברים בגילאי 21+ עם מוגבלות שכלית התפתחותית בינונית, קשה ומורכבת,
אוטיזם והתנהגות מאתגרת.
אימונית הינו מרכז יום שהפעילות בו מתקיימת בשעות הבוקר והוא מספק מענה עיסוקי
וטיפולי לחניכים השוהים בו.
אימונית מאפשר לחניכים ליהנות מאפשרויות תעסוקה הולמות וממגוון רחב של טיפולים פארא
רפואיים ושיקומיים כמו פיזיותרפיה, ריפוי בעיסוק, שיעורי ספורט
וחוגים מיוחדים, ביניהם גינון, נגרות, מוזיקה, כלכלת בית, פינת חי ועוד.
באימונית פועלת מערכת שבועית קבועה שנבנתה מתוך חשיבה מקצועית והתאמה ליכולות השונות
של החניכים והיא מאפשרת לחניכים לשמור על שגרה רגועה ומוכרת ולהשתתף במגוון רחב של
פעילויות מהנות המפתחות ומשפרות את התפקוד שלהם מבחינה יומיומית, חברתית ועוד.
משפט סיכום:
במרכז אימונית, דרך שגרת היום יום ובאמצעות הפרוייקטים המיוחדים, מקבלים החניכים הרבה
מעבר לתעסוקה משמעותית. החניכים חווים תוכן, עושר ולמידת ערכים המאפשרים להם סיפוק
רגשי וחברתי המעשירים את עולמם ואת חייהם.
Who We Serve
Our Vision
In a Nutshell
for men ages 21+ with moderate to severe disabilities
We believe in the right of every individual with disabilities to be fully integrated into
the workforce according to his skills and to derive enjoyment and satisfaction from
his work.
At Immunit, throughout the daily activities and in the various special projects, we
provide our students with much more than just employment preparation; we
provide them with enriched content, learning opportunities, social interaction and
strong value systems that greatly improve their quality of life.
Immunit was established in 2002, as a Day Care Center for men ages 21+ with
moderate to severe cognitive disabilities, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and behavior
challenges. The daily activities include enrichment classes in the morning hours and employment project and therapies during the afternoon hours.
We provide a wide range of employment opportunities as well as rehabilitative and
supportive therapies, such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, sport classes and various extracurricular activities, such as a petting zoo, gardening, carpentry, music, cooking and more. The set weekly curriculum was built by our professional staff in accordance to the students’ needs and abilities. This way, we can provide the students with a stable and reliable routine that helps develop their level of social and day-to-day functioning.
Special Projects

With the understanding that the students at Immunit are mostly on the receiving end, we created a program that would let them be the givers and experience the satisfaction, meaning and joy of giving and caring for others. Thus, the Gardening Therapy was introduced and is utilized consistently. Gardening includes caring for all the needs of the plants, from discarding old leaves
to planting new seeds in accordance to the weather and season. Each student has been allocated his own personal lot, over which he bears full responsibility and has the pleasure of nurturing.
Our goal in this program is to create a single, common topic for all weekly/monthly activities in order to expose our students to as many topics as possible from a variety of viewpoints. This may include current affairs, religious knowledge or educational content. Every year we choose one general topic and divide it into 12 sub-topics, which are then further divided into 4 specific topics – one for each week. Through the
program, the students experience a wide range of activities, games and theoretical content that all have a common denominator. All activities are adapted to suit the
students’ motor skills and cognitive abilities.
Contact us
at the Immunit Day Care Center
- 33 Norok Street, Bnei Brak
- 03-5798604