It all started 45 years ago
when people who were different and
disabled were alienated and unwelcome.

At a time when many families 
Hid their disabled child away from society
Behind closed doors
And shut window sills. 

When disabled people were almost not regarded
As human
And their lives
Were considered useless
With no future in sight. 

What could be done 
With such a child
That does not grow like the rest
That does not understand or communicate 
That creates havoc and destruction?

And then
In an unassuming, quiet and humble way
One family 
With unlimited love and devotion 
Began a revolution

A revolution called “Ohel Sarah “. 

Rabbi Shmuel Ginzburg and his wife, Rivka, of blessed memory, opened their own private home to children and adults with disabilities and began taking them in, one by one. 

They had only one goal: to help desperate families and provide their disabled child with a framework that would nurture them, teach them life skills and give them a chance at a meaningful life. They understood the needs of these children and did everything in their power to find channels of communication to help them grow more independent and become accepted by society – to actually live a life worth living. 

And they built an empire!

The Ginzburgs’ dream, which started out in their living room, turned into an vision and a mission; an extraordinary venture that today features hundreds of professional and devoted staff members that are united in their quest to provide the best possible care for individuals with special needs from childhood and throughout life. Ohel Sarah is today one of the leading organizations that offers encompassing services to children and adults with disabilities and support to their families, with dozens of centers and frameworks that enable individuals with special needs to live a life of quality satisfaction and meaning. 



With the guys
on Thursday night

Join the
playground fun!

don’t let the teacher see

Art is
my world

These cookies
are amazing

Shira’s surprise
birthday party

For those who want to
know what Snoezelen is

It’s late!
Where is everybody?

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