1983The first school, “Mercaz Shlomo”, opens with 4 classes

1984The first employment center opens a bakery called “Livri’ut” employs senior students

1986The first group home opens.

1987Ohel Sarah gets official recognition as an organization at the Registrar of Associations

1989The “A Dollar a Month” campaign begins, and involves the community to help Ohel Sarah develop new centers

1990A special club for girls with hearing impairments opens

1991“Miftan” – a high-school for boys – opens in cooperation of the Ministry of Welfare

1992“Beit Chanoch”, a school for boys, is inaugurated

1993The housing division opens its second group home, “Beit Miriam”



With the guys
on Thursday night

Join the
playground fun!

don’t let the teacher see

Art is
my world

These cookies
are amazing

Shira’s surprise
birthday party

For those who want to
know what Snoezelen is

It’s late!
Where is everybody?

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