2000The “Beit Chanoch” school for girls is expanded and transferred to a temporary building 

A fourth group home, “Beit Esther”, is opened.

2001The organization is allocated a lot to construct its employment center 

The “Beit Chanoch” school receives an official license and transfers to its new dwelling place.

2002Ohel Sarah receives the Keren Shalem Prize for Excellence 

A day center for boys is opened

2003“Beit Shai”, another school for older boys, is opened.

2004Rivka Ginzburg passes away on the last day of Hanukkah.

2005The day center for boys transfers to a new building.

2007The play “Out in the Light” is shown, starring the women from the housing division 

“Beit Chanoch” for girls is renamed “Gesharim” and changes address to a portable structure 

A day center for women is opened



With the guys
on Thursday night

Join the
playground fun!

don’t let the teacher see

Art is
my world

These cookies
are amazing

Shira’s surprise
birthday party

For those who want to
know what Snoezelen is

It’s late!
Where is everybody?

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