Multi-Range Clinic

We have opened a Multi-Disciplinary Clinic with top-notch professionals for our students in order to provide quick and cost-effective solutions

Our Story

"The Three Buddies " – an illustrated book series geared towards young children, which promotes awareness of the special needs' child and his inclusion...

Outstanding Employer Prize

An annual Prize Award and Standards Association Stamp for employers who employ individuals with special needs in their business or organization


Ohel Sarah launched a professional safeguarding program to create awareness in the community

Beauty for a better life

The residents of our group homes for women with special needs enjoy a new Beauty Salon donated by L'Oreal Paris!

The Matanel Employment Equality Award

Three winners were granted the Matanel Employment Equality Award for the inclusion of people with special needs in their enterprise


for men ages 21+ with moderate to severe disabilities


for women ages 21+ with moderate to severe cognitive disabilities, physical disabilities and/or challenging behavior


for high-functioning men ages 21+ with mild cognitive disabilities

Lev Rivka

for high-functioning women ages 21+ with mild to moderate cognitive disabilities


With the guys
on Thursday night

Join the
playground fun!

don’t let the teacher see

Art is
my world

These cookies
are amazing

Shira’s surprise
birthday party

For those who want to
know what Snoezelen is

It’s late!
Where is everybody?

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